Let me just start off by saying I have the best husband ever!
I went to lunch with my Grandma Welch to her favorite restaurant called Geckos. I was really satisfied with the food. Perfect portions and it didn't cost that much. I also got a free sundae for my birthday. That was just the start of junk food. haha
After hanging out at my grandma's for a little bit I went home surprised to find Ben there with a cake, well not just any cake, it was my favorite Texas Fudge cake. It's pretty much loaded with sugar, butter, and chocolate. mmmm. He also had a dozen circus roses (my favorite kind of roses), balloons and my new favorite movie Enchanted! YAY! Love you babe!

Circus Roses
We decided to go to a movie so we went and saw You Don't Mess with the Zohan. I was pretty disappointed with this movie. It had some funny parts in it but the rest of the movie was pretty much let's see how many women we can get Adam Sandler to have sex with and let's see how many times we can show his butt. Not impressed at all.

So to make up for it we decided to sneak into another movie. Kung Fu Panda was just starting. I like to think we paid to go to this one though since we bought $10 worth of food. That should count right? haha. Anyways, we love this movie! We were laughing through most of it. It was fun listening to all the little kids laughing through it all too. Go see this movie. If you don't like it then there must be something wrong with you.

To top the night off we went to Cafe Rio. They kept screwing up Ben's meal. I left some pretty nasty comments on there survey and asked to be contacted. We'll see if they contact me and how that goes.
All in all it was a pretty good birthday. Ben is such an amazing husband and I am soo lucky to have him! He' s all mine for ETERNITY! muhaha. lol